Simon aka Bear
Sweet old boy
From Simon’s foster mom:
Simon was a 15 pound ‘chug’ (chihuahua-pug mix) stray that fought off being caught for two weeks in an alley, in the dead of winter up north. He was in sad shape by then. Given all his medical issues, ODH became involved.
‘Bear’ as we called him, had a heart murmur, seizures, and a congenital defect where his front legs would cross while standing. After being seen by specialists and recommendations for meds and care, Bear started on his road to getting better. He was a cranky boy. You’d have to count your fingers in case one got in the way. But he did not let his limitations get the best of him. He would jump up on the sofa so he could survey his domain. Ran like the wind with his furry pal, out to chase any man or beast passing by the fence. Bear would show our gang how being disabled is just a word.
His seizures were less but never went away until an old anti-seizure medication was tried as a last resort. What happened to Bear after his seizures stopped was nothing less than a miracle to us. He became the sweet, old, loving dog that we thought lurked under his gruff exterior. For a wonderful year, Bear enjoyed his remaining life as a happy boy. Sadly, the seizures came back and we knew it was time to send him on his way. We had Bear for almost four years and despite the ups and downs, we have loved every minute. We thank ODH and all the people who donate to keep old dogs’ last years as some of the best.